HARRY BEAR - Election address
From Harry Bear, Leader of the Fur Play Party
Website www.harrybearforparliament.org.uk
Harry Bear, leader of the Fur Play Party, is to contest the Henley by-election as the party’s candidate. Mr Bear said:
“My mission – and my party’s – is to stop politics being boring. That’s why I fought the election in Dudbury, which used to be Britain’s most boring town. Not any more. Richard Heller’s campaign biography Membear Of Parliament shows how I turned it round. Now I feel it is right to make the same offer to Henley.
“Without Boris Johnson, Henley could be a much duller place. This will not happen if I become its MP.
“If elected I will fight for better pay and conditions for nurses and better treatment for those in retirement, including teddy bears: for every bear who gets rich and famous like Winnie the Pooh or Paddington there's thousands in the attic without a pension.
"Above all I will campaign for more outdoor play for the children of Henley - including a cricket team for every Henley schoolchild who wants to play in one. I did this in Dudbury, with the help of Chance to shine, the Cricket Foundation’s charity, which brings cricket and achievement to state schools. And I will invite all Henley children to tell me what they would like their MP to do for them".
Election address
Vote for HARRY BEAR – and give Henley a hug!
Don’t be a Blairite, be a Bearite “Hello, Henley. I’m Harry Bear and I would like to be your MP. I am running for the Fur Play Party – Britain’s fastest-growing political movement. Vote for me and Henley will never be dull. I have been an MP before, in Dudbury, which used to be Britain’s most boring town but not any more. You can check out my record and what I stand for now in www.harrybearforparliament.org.uk and by reading my campaign biography Membear Of Parliament, written by Richard Heller.
“If you’ve had enough of politics-as-usual from the major parties…
“If you would like a new kind of MP for Henley…
“If you care for Henley’s children… Please vote for me”
Harry Bear
HARRY BEAR – Independent, like you
HARRY BEAR – He’ll make the fur fly in Parliament
If elected for Henley I will
Fight for everyone in retirement. I know how life can be tough for retired people. For every teddy bear who gets rich and famous, like Winnie-the-Pooh or Paddington, there’s thousands in the attic without a pension, the way my mother and father used to live
Fight for better pay and conditions for nurses and everyone working in the NHS – like my girlfriend, a hospital bear in Dudbury
Get more outdoor play for Henley’s children, including a cricket team for every Henley schoolchild who wants to play in one. I have been working with the Cricket Foundation’s charity Chance to Shine which brings cricket and achievement to state schools
Make sure that Henley’s children – and children everywhere in Britain – get heard in Parliament
The Bear Facts: Harry Bear is a qualified professional teddy bear and a graduate of DudburyAcatedemySchool. He can speak five languages, including Baby. He is a ninth Desperate Dan in tedkwando, and has bested many monsters in unarmed combat. He is also a passionate cricketer. His biography, Membear Of Parliament, by Richard Heller is published by Bearmondsey Publishing (ISBN 978-0-9556740-0-6).
From: Richard Heller Blog
Hooray for Harry Bear!
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